3/13/18 Tuesday
I’ve successfully cut the umbilical cord of my curbside residence outside my friends’ house, and have spent the last two nights outside the valley, last night parked on the 253 between Ukiah and Boonville, and tonight next to Lake Mendocino on Hwy 20. It was super windy, rainy and stormy last night, though it stayed relatively warm and I didn’t need to turn on my heater at any point. It was an unexpected treat to sit in the cozy comfort of my van while the rain whipped and the wind jostled my little home. When I woke at 5:30 AM, it was silent outside save for the smattering of rain sprinkles hitting the outside walls of the van, and I realized how much less tense I was, being able to eat breakfast, brush my teeth, and do my morning activities knowing no one was walking by & wondering what was going on inside my van. I drove to Redwood Valley to give a series of presentations to middle schoolers on their career day about my work as a photographer. It was a bit awkward and some of the kids are straight-up assholes, but there were enough interested students to make it feel worthwhile. I was asked more than once what my favorite photograph is, and I couldn’t answer that. It’s a good question though, and I’ll ponder it. Had a super busy day of work, and in the course of running around town I had the pleasure of seeing a number of my friends, most of whom I don’t see very often. I like this part of van life. Tomorrow I head down to my parents’ house to work on some cabinets, take a shower and do some laundry, and enjoy the comforts of home.
Hwy 253